People in SEKEM: Alaa Miklid
Dr. Alaa Miklid works in SEKEM for only one year but he already internalized the vision of the initiative deeply internalized. “SEKEM has inspired me from the first moment. …
Dr. Alaa Miklid works in SEKEM for only one year but he already internalized the vision of the initiative deeply internalized. “SEKEM has inspired me from the first moment. …
After 30 days of fasting about 1.6 milliard of Muslims all over the world are again eating as usual during day and night time. And so they do in Egypt: Candy …
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Trans4m Center launches a new website. The website shall act as a “virtual home” for the continuously growing community. Trans4m is committed to …
In collaboration with the Egyptian Bio-Dynamic Association (EBDA), Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development (HU) organized a workshop for 80 of SEKEMs contracted farmers that are applying Biodynamic agriculture all over …
Next to Dr. Ibrahim and Helmy Abouleish, the SEKEM Board of Directors has seven other members. Four times a year, the board meets in SEKEM to discuss the situation of …
Initiated by the Dutch SEKEM Friends Association, Oxfam Novib (Netherlands) funded travel and organizational costs for 30 teachers, who travelled to Egypt to support the Heliopolis University (HU) and SEKEM. …
Series on how SEKEM tries to combat desertification in the four dimensions of Sustainable Development. In the widely known story of The Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the narrator’s …
Fertile land is the fundament of Egypt’s economy. Fertile land is needed to live on and to feed the population, but also strongly affecting the economy of a country. Agriculture …
“…creating land where mankind is living together in social forms reflecting human dignity.” “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” A quote by the anthropologist Margaret Mead …
“…creating a place where every human being can unfold his or her individual potential” The right awareness about the fact that fertile land and agriculture are feeding us and that …
Combating desertification by holistic Biodynamic agriculture. Egypt is known as one of the oldest agricultural civilizations on earth. Thousands of years ago, the annual flooding of the Nile left a …
Education is the key to progress and development. An alternative and holistic approach to education is grounded in SEKEM since the early days, in the schools as well as in …
In this year’s May, farmers, co-workers and pupils were invited to the first Day of Preparations in SEKEM. Angela Hofmann, long-standing agricultural coordinator in SEKEM, presented the visitors the eight …
The SEKEM Friends Association Austria is again supporting a better climate in Egypt by planting trees in the desert. Friedl and Hermann Becke share their experiences. Visiting the SEKEM Farm near Minya, reminded …
Although she seems to be in her early twenties, something serious and certain lies in her lovely smile. Walaa Mohamed, a young employee working at NatureTex, SEKEMs company for Organic textiles, …
After the Austrian Ambassador Dr. Georg Stillfried visited SEKEMs Spring Festival a few weeks ago, recently also the Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Andrä Rupprechter, travelled …
In the Sustainability Report 2015 SEKEM shows that the initiative could manage the challenges of the past years. In the cultural and societal fields many activities took place, in agriculture …
In the context of SEKEMs project “Empowering Women for a Balanced Society” a session about gender equality was developed by a group of teachers of the SEKEM School and was …
The Business for Peace Foundation, that yearly honours people with the Business for Peace Award, invited Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, who received the accolade in 2012, in the beginning of May …
The SEKEM Friends Association Austria is again supporting refugees. In cooperation with the Waldorf School Graz, 15 refugees shall receive a course in the upcoming school year wherein they can …