
Circus in SEKEM

In October an impressive circus performance took place at the SEKEM Farm. In the roman theater, Rosalie Schneiter and Aurelia Eidenberger showed artistic stunts on a slack line and a …


First Place for Lebensbaum

In September the company Lebensbaum was awarded for its Sustainability Report. The Institute for Ecological Economy Research and the association “future – Verantwortung Unternehmen” which analyzed the sustainability reports of …


Sweets from SEKEM for the Advent Season

Slowly the shelves start to be filled with countless Christmas treats. Also SEKEM contributes something that is not only sweet and delicious but also healthy: The SEKEM Advent Calendar is …


The Caravan is Moving On

In August another “Music Caravan” moved on the grounds of SEKEM Farm. The quartet, consisting of Amira Reda, Konstanze Abouleish, Rafik Costandi and Marko Skorin performed five concerts in the …