Logo for SEKEMs Entrepreneurship Center for Social Impact

A few days before launching SEKEMs new Entrepreneurship Center for Social Impact (ECSI), Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development (HU) organized a logo-design competition between its students. At the launching event, …

Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program

Heliopolis University students are teaming up to start different environmental projects. As part of the Core Program, the students come together to present projects in relation to their fields of …

More Social Entrepreneurship for Egypt

On Sunday, the 6th of November, SEKEM opens its new Entrepreneurship Centre for Social Impact at the Heliopolis University of Sustainable Development (HU). The Social Entrepreneurship Center aims to be …

High Level Visit by EU Ambassador Christian Berger

Forty-four years ago, the European Union and Egypt started fostering their bilateral relations. Challenges turned into opportunities and international as well as regional developments could be achieved. SEKEM has always …

Economy – Sustainability Report 2016

SEKEMs economic year 2016 was strongly characterized by reliable partnerships and supporters. Since the Egyptian revolution SEKEMs companies face various challenges. But thanks to a reliable and committed network of partners, who continuously supported SEKEM, even though they were aware of the difficulties, SEKEM is getting back on track.

Empowering Startup Creation at Heliopolis University

In the context of Heliopolis University’s (HU) integral cooperation approach, a collaboration with Enroot was initiated. Enroot is a development consultancy committed to supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth in …

Second Phase of InnoEgypt Begins

Now the second phase of the EU funded project InnoEgypt begins where 40 out of 150 startups receive full incubation support, including technical, legal and business consultancy, in addition to …

InnoEgypt: SEKEM Cooperates with EU in Empowering Young Entrepreneurs

In the framework of the EU-Egypt partnership that includes promoting social entrepreneurship and innovation, SEKEM cooperates in the project InnoEgypt. With the slogan “IncuVate your Idea”, and a budget of 1,870,000 Euros, the two-year project fosters incubating innovative projects emerging in Egypt in the four industrial priority sectors: Agro-Food, Construction and Energy, Information and Communication Technology, Textile and Handcrafts.

SEKEM as An Example for Kenya

At the beginning of this year, a delegation from Kenya visited SEKEM in order to share experiences on building a sustainable community under challenged conditions. The contact had been made …

The Future of the Organic Sector and Our Earth

At the beginning of July 2018, SEKEM‘s CEO Helmy Abouleish once again attended in the Economy Council which was this time related to the question “Associative Economy – How does …

Societal Life – Sustainability Report 2016

SEKEM unifies everything that is related to the relationship between people, community and society in the dimension of Societal Life. In 2016, SEKEM experienced a flourishing Societal Life, which is a consequence of the intertwining circles within SEKEMs wonderful network of partners and supporters. Generally, the societal year 2016 was strongly focusing on gender equality.

Helmy Abouleish

Vision & Mission | History | Founders | Awards | Friends, Partners & Network | Organizational Structure | Sustainability Helmy Abouleish Chief Executive Officer of SEKEM “I love missions impossible!“ Helmy …

Board of Directors

Vision & Mission | History | Founders | Awards | Friends, Partners & Network | Organizational Structure | Sustainability | International Projects SEKEM Board of Directors Helmy Abouleish (Chair & Managing …