Cotton Has Its Own Day Now

Since 2019 World Cotton Day is celebrated on the 7th of October for its importance economically and socially. The world uses more cotton than any other fiber and all parts …


Organic Agriculture Under Saline Conditions

The Egyptian biodynamic association (EBDA) is the largest organic and biodynamic farmers association in Egypt. Currently, the EBDA is running a research trial which addresses solutions for saline agricultural soils. …

ahmed shaker people in sekem

People in SEKEM: Ahmed Shaker

More than 3 years ago, a hardworking treasury accountant, Ahmed Shaker, was searching the term “organic“ and associated places in Egypt. He came across SEKEM and not only learned about …

Renewable Energies in Wahat 

On our desert farm in Wahat El-Bahareyya, we are currently reclaiming several hundreds of hectares of desert land through sustainable agriculture and supported by a crowdfunding campaign. Here is the …

Webinar on Regreening the Desert

Heliopolis University, ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas) and IWMI (International Water Management Institute) are organizing a webinar on the occasion of the World Day to Combat …