Helmy Abouleish becomes a member of the Club of Rome
Helmy Abouleish, the CEO of the SEKEM Initiative, has been asked to join the Club of Rome as a full member. “Joining the Club of Rome means a high recognition …
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Helmy Abouleish, the CEO of the SEKEM Initiative, has been asked to join the Club of Rome as a full member. “Joining the Club of Rome means a high recognition …
Climate protection: YES, it’s possible — in Stuttgart as well as in Egypt! The climate crisis affects us all and we are all wondering how we can reduce our CO2 …
Inviting interested people, artists or participants from former courses and projects to SEKEM and to experience life here in Egypt artistically together was a long-cherished wish of Art Instructor and …
In 2022, the SEKEM focus topics were “Active Mitigation of Climate Change” and “Rich and Resilient Biodiversity”. According to these main goals and in cooperation with Economy of Love, SEKEM …
Ethnobotanist Dr. Cassandra Quave and Helmy Abouleish discuss Biodynamic Agriculture and Sustainable Development in a „Foodie Pharmocology“ podcast episode – Take a break and listen or watch 45 inspiring and informative …
New exciting things are happening every day at our SEKEM Wahat farm. In this article we collected just several highlights of the projects that are going on there at the …
The SEKEM community and Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development mourn the loss of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Yousry Hashem. We share a longstanding history together and he will always stay close …
Joint message of World Future Council members and Right Livelihood Laureates to the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) “Planet Earth is facing existential threats from human impact on the …
Angela Hofmann: Saving the Bees Project In 2007 Angela Hofmann under SEKEM Initiative and alongside SVG8 launched her first beekeeping project focused on protection and spread of honey bees …
The World Future Council (WFC) convened for its 15th Annual General Meeting at Pontresina, Switzerland, on 28-29 August 2022, where delegates from 24 countries debated and agreed how to initiate …
Es gibt Lösungen! Wir können JETZT etliches tun, damit unsere Erde auch in Zukunft noch lebenswert ist! Trotz Fridays for Future und unzähliger Klima-Demonstrationen: Die CO2-Emissionen haben weltweit zugenommen. Und …
Imagine waking up in the morning while the sun gently flows through the little window, behind the curtain is a view that any passionate painter would appreciate and love to …
The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation: A new virtual platform and manual for connecting companies with entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation Platform, the new virtual place for enabling connections …
We are very proud that our new book “SEKEM Inspirationen – Impulse für einen zukunftsfähigen Wandel” is now available! For the moment the book is only available in German, but …
The Social Initiative Forum in Egypt (SIF.eg) and Centre of the Education for Sustainable Development (CESD) of Heliopolis University (HU) happily invites young participants from Egypt and the rest of …
Heute, am 15. Juni 2022, jährt sich der Todestag von SEKEM-Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish zum fünften Mal. Seine Vision und seine Inspirationen sind in SEKEM heute noch so lebendig wie zu …
CEO Statement: SEKEM Report 2021 The world is facing big challenges. The terrible circumstances of war and conflict show that mankind altogether is still not ready to act out of love …
In November, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27) will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. In this context, for sure SEKEM will actively advocate for climate protection. Hence, SEKEM …
Her Japanese name is Hana Sawadaer. Her Egyptian name is Hana Tarek Mohammed. She is a 24-years-old woman that was raised in a family with disparate cultural backgrounds and that …
Am 29. März ist ein umfangreicher Artikel über SEKEM und die Begrünung von Wüste in der Neuen Züricher Zeitung erschienen. Ägyptens Traum von der Begrünung der Wüste lebt fort Um …