SEKEM Group’s Participation at COP28 UAE
We are delighted to have been present at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in the United Arab Emirates from November 30 to December 12, alongside the Egyptian Biodynamic …
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We are delighted to have been present at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in the United Arab Emirates from November 30 to December 12, alongside the Egyptian Biodynamic …
In October, the first Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project of SEKEM Austria and the Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development (HU) took place in Egypt under the title “Greening the Desert together! …
SEKEM CEO Helmy Abouleish held a speech at the Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, GFFA (Global Forum For Food and Agriculture) in Berlin recently. Here you can read and watch his speech: …
An Inspirational journey for new impulses in the new year. Transformative experiences, encounters and fresh ideas. Tree planting and nature solo in the white desert – mindfulness meditation – mindful …
Sexual harassment is a serious problem in Egypt. It is difficult to determine the current percentage of women who have experienced sexual harassment due to underreporting and cultural factors that …
We want to celebrate and take action with you: The SEKEM vision has been alive in Egypt for over 45 years now; SEKEM friends in many countries support this vision …
We are happy to announce that additionally to the English and German versions and due to high demand, “SEKEM Inspirations” is now available digital in Spanish as well: Inspiraciones Sekem: …
A delegation from Heliopolis University visited Switzerland in the frame of the World Child Forum in Davos and was invited to visit Germany as well. We want to share their …
We cordially invite you to the SEKEM Forum in Oberbernhards (near Fulda, Germany). Together we want to work on the SEKEM vision and shape the future. Meet SEKEM Partner Universities, …
In Kooperation mit dem Freien Bildungswerk Rheinland sowie dem Weltladen Köln veranstalten die SEKEM Freunde Deutschland im Herbst einen Nachmittag zum Mitmachen und Informieren: Wissen und Spaß rund um globale …
Helmy Abouleish, the CEO of the SEKEM Initiative, has been asked to join the Club of Rome as a full member. “Joining the Club of Rome means a high recognition …
Climate protection: YES, it’s possible — in Stuttgart as well as in Egypt! The climate crisis affects us all and we are all wondering how we can reduce our CO2 …
Inviting interested people, artists or participants from former courses and projects to SEKEM and to experience life here in Egypt artistically together was a long-cherished wish of Art Instructor and …
What are Core Program & Training Academy? It all began with the so-called „Core Program“ of Heliopolis University, a compulsory part of all students’ curricula. It was created to develop …
In 2022, the SEKEM focus topics were “Active Mitigation of Climate Change” and “Rich and Resilient Biodiversity”. According to these main goals and in cooperation with Economy of Love, SEKEM …
Finally the popular SEKEM online shop in Germany is there again – to the extent that we desire and that you deserve! The shelves are packed with high-quality SEKEM products from …
Ethnobotanist Dr. Cassandra Quave and Helmy Abouleish discuss Biodynamic Agriculture and Sustainable Development in a „Foodie Pharmocology“ podcast episode – Take a break and listen or watch 45 inspiring and informative …
We mourn the loss of our dear friend Hermann Becke, who passed away on Easter Sunday, April 9th. Dr. Hermann Becke was the chairman of the SEKEM Friends Austria for …
New exciting things are happening every day at our SEKEM Wahat farm. In this article we collected just several highlights of the projects that are going on there at the …
The first cold months of the year Space of Culture warmed us up with a variety of music genres, from classical compositions to traditional Arabic rhythms. Austrian Cultural Forum once …