Impressions of the SIF for Young Leaders
Imagine waking up in the morning while the sun gently flows through the little window, behind the curtain is a view that any passionate painter would appreciate and love to …
Imagine waking up in the morning while the sun gently flows through the little window, behind the curtain is a view that any passionate painter would appreciate and love to …
The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation: A new virtual platform and manual for connecting companies with entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation Platform, the new virtual place for enabling connections …
Contribution to rich and resilient biodiversity in Egypt is the main focus of SEKEM activities in the year 2022. Knowing that land change is the leading reason for biodiversity loss, …
We are very proud that our new book “SEKEM Inspirationen – Impulse für einen zukunftsfähigen Wandel” is now available! For the moment the book is only available in German, but …
The SEKEM Development Foundation (SDF) is seeking an expert or firm to provide external operational support for the INTECMED Regional Innovation Facility Point (RIFP) in Alexandria, Egypt. This role involves …
The Social Initiative Forum in Egypt ( and Centre of the Education for Sustainable Development (CESD) of Heliopolis University (HU) happily invites young participants from Egypt and the rest of …
Heute, am 15. Juni 2022, jährt sich der Todestag von SEKEM-Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish zum fünften Mal. Seine Vision und seine Inspirationen sind in SEKEM heute noch so lebendig wie zu …
On SEKEM’s desert farm in Wahat El-Baharreyya, far from Egypt’s urban centers, a new school is being constructed in the middle of sand and desert. Currently, 6 pre-schoolers and 24 …
CEO Statement: SEKEM Report 2021 The world is facing big challenges. The terrible circumstances of war and conflict show that mankind altogether is still not ready to act out of love …
Roland Schaette was authentic. He combined many aspects that often seem difficult to reconcile in one person. He had a great intellectual spirit and was down-to-earth at the same time. …
Winfried Reindl ist am 9. Mai 2022 in Karlsruhe verstorben. Der Architekt Winfried Reindl war eng mit SEKEM verbunden und hat den Bauimpuls SEKEMs wesentlich geprägt. Die enge Freundschaft mit …
In November, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27) will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. In this context, for sure SEKEM will actively advocate for climate protection. Hence, SEKEM …
Her Japanese name is Hana Sawadaer. Her Egyptian name is Hana Tarek Mohammed. She is a 24-years-old woman that was raised in a family with disparate cultural backgrounds and that …
Am 29. März ist ein umfangreicher Artikel über SEKEM und die Begrünung von Wüste in der Neuen Züricher Zeitung erschienen. Ägyptens Traum von der Begrünung der Wüste lebt fort Um …
From exploring the diverse production lines, the dimensions of ethical business practices and values, to meditating in green meadows, the Tomorrow’s Leaders Graduate (TLG) students at The American University in …
SEKEM Founder Ibrahim Abouleish used to write down in a notebook thoughts that went through his mind. They were his own thoughts but also words of artists, philosophers or scientist that …
Strongly inspired by the holistic SEKEM-Vision, “Economy of Love” (EoL) was initiated by the organic farmer’s association The Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA) as a standard for sustainable, ethical, and transparent …
The chairman of the SEKEM Freunde Deutschland association, Dr. Roland Schaette, passed away on March 21 at the age of 79. Due to illness, Roland Schaette’s strength had diminished more …
For a sustainable way of living on earth, a shift towards responsible and conscious consumption is essential. Therefore, the individual consumer directly depends on the provided products and services. In …
In the context of Heliopolis University’s (HU) integral cooperation approach, a collaboration with Enroot was initiated. Enroot is a development consultancy committed to supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth in …