Just one day after the 79th birthday of SEKEM founder Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, SEKEMs annual Spring Festival was held on March 24. Traditionally, SEKEM employees and friends from near and far came to SEKEM Farm to celebrate Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish’s birthday and in the same time the upcoming warm season of the year. Among the guests, SEKEM welcomed this year the Austrian Ambassador Dr. Georg Stillfried, who delivered his birthday greetings to Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish on stage.

Other heart-warming congratulations came from Gamal Mohamed. The young man knows SEKEM almost since he was born. He has been at SEKEM nursery, in the kindergarten and in school, and now he is going to study at Heliopolis University (HU). Gamal recited a lovely poem written by himself about the life of his idol Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish.
Several SEKEM institutions contributed to a varied program at SEKEMs roman theatre. Hence, children from SEKEMs school for children with special needs performed a wonderful play, pupils showed what they have learned in Eurythmy, and HU-students sang together with the school choir an Egyptian folk song. Besides, the students from SEKEMs Vocational Training Center presented a traditional dance in beautiful costumes.

Finally, the cheerful Spring Festival 2016 was enriched by sounds and movements from the Sinai Peninsula. Dance and music of the Bedouins made the entire audience clapping – a great atmosphere.
Around 2000 SEKEM co-workers and friends enjoyed a wonderful day on the vernal blooming SEKEM Farm.

SEKEM Spring Festival 2015
SEKEM celebrates 38 years of Sustainable Development