ViandantiSì is a newly born travel agency from Italy who works in close collaboration with the Italian organic biodynamic company NaturaSì. For half a year now ViandantiSì has been organising several travels to SEKEM. For the SEKEM News, Ilaria Vudafieri writes about how everything started.
I came to SEKEM the first time in January last year. Besides the pyramids, statues and graves dating back 3500 bc and testifying the marvellous beauty of the Egyptian civilisation, I faced an”odd” and shining reality, made of friendly people, a loud and colorful bazaar opened until late in the night, aromas of spices, thin cats as the ones painted in the hieroglyphics, cluster of houses under construction or decaying, mountains of rubbish and entanglement of dusty roads, with cars and drivers with no rules, or stores and shanks with no hygiene standards. To me, this brilliant and messy image was countered by the harmony and the peacefulness of SEKEM.
“Biodynamic agricultural methods (…) realized the most beautiful social art I have ever seen.”

While visiting its companies, walking through the trees of different species, the beautiful schools, the flourished plantations, the medical centre, the marvellous Heliopolis University, research centres and places of artistic productions, I could see how even in the desert productive land could be claimed by biodynamic agricultural methods and how, surprisingly, it realized the most beautiful social art I have ever seen.
Dynamic, vibrant and vigorous
I was so impressed by seeing this unique and admirable example of sustainable development in economy and in community life, where every human being is respected and can unfold its own individual potential, that I felt very much motivated to bring people from my country to experience the same and learn from it. After half a year I can say that every travel to SEKEM was an unforgettable experience for the ones that came, becoming a starting point for an inner transformation and a great enrichment in their life. Perhaps because they have felt that impulse which lives in SEKEM and which is dynamic, vibrant and vigorous, that is “love”, the inclination of our soul towards every other living entity on the Earth. I wish that this impulse will always feed the cooperation and exchange between Italy and SEKEM and will strengthen the mission we share, that is a bright and sunny future for every human being and for the Earth.
Ilaria Vudafieri
Guests at SEKEM: German Partners visit the Farm