Hamdy Hamed practiced 4 different jobs in SEKEM for a period of nearly 28 years. He learned a lot from SEKEM and rose to the Export Subsidy Department recently. “I love SEKEM very much, it is my second home,” the long-standing employee says. “And I appreciated very much that Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, may he Rest In Peace, always liked the employee to constantly learn and not only work.” After Hamdy worked seven years in SEKEM he proudly received a gold pin from the SEKEM Founder.
Hamdy’s Family
Hamdy grew up in a loving family with three brothers. His father and eldest brother have been employed at the police. Both of them passed away already. Today the SEKEM co-worker has three children himself to whom he devotes his life. “My biggest wish is to offer my children a better life and future,” he says. His oldest son Hamed is a student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, his daughter Fayrouz studies at the faculty of nursing, and Muhammad, the youngest, still goes to school.

Hamdy’s journey begins in SEKEM
Before joining SEKEM, Hamdy was enrolled in a commercial and technical institute. After he finished his military service he started working with SEKEM Group as a warehouse keeper until he became the warehouse manager for about 11 years. Although that position required strictness with workers and drivers, he was loved by everyone and combined commitment, honesty and affection when dealing with people. After all this time, he was seeking a new challenge and was transferred to the export department. For this job he frequently went to the airport and to government agencies in order to take care of the paperwork and shipping processes for SEKEM’s company NatureTex. Another 10 years later, Hamdy decided to return to his hometown in Beni Suef to rest and retire early. He submitted his resignation, but after two months he discovered that he needed to return to work, as his son was a high school senior which required a lot of effort and additional expenses. Happily, Ibrahim Abouleish immediately re-appointed him, this time to a position at Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development. There Hamdy learned new skills such as using the computer and specific professional programs.
The 4th phase
Finally, last April, Hamdy shifted his responsibilities for another time: due to his 10 years of experience in a related field, he joined the Export Subsidy Department of SEKEM’s company iSiS Organic in one of the most important positions. “My main aim is not to achieve high positions; I work and strive for the sake of God and for the money and not to please anyone, and I believe that whoever does his work with dedication, God will reward and compensate him.”
The impact of SEKEM on Hamdy and his goals in life
Hamdy feels that he owes a lot to SEKEM because it gave him an opportunity to acquire multiple skills and helped him build a family and educate his children. “SEKEM taught me how to be organized and to become a calmer person”, Hamdy says. “These are very important skills to me which I taught also to my family members.” On several occasions, he brings his children to the company and the SEKEM Farm and he drew and sketched with his son Muhammed during a SEKEM art activity. Hamdy: “SEKEM is like a school where people learn a lot, and its primary goal is to teach the employees, not to make a profit. Everyone who works in it learns a lot and gains experience, as I learned a lot thanks to my shifts between different positions.”
Hamdy supported his three children during all educational stages at school, and he learned a lot with them, such as the English language, which he can now read and understand. He wishes to complete his mission in life with his children and strive for them until they finish the educational stage as his father struggled and was patient with his education. The loving father would like to give everyone a word of advice regarding their children: “We, the parents, must have time with our children and give them special attention and care. Always ask them about what they have learned, follow up their educational process and study the subjects with them as if you are learning yourself for the first time.”
Nour Altobgy
Meet Marwa Tohamy; a teacher of handicrafts in the SEKEM School
People in SEKEM: El-Shahat Sahri is a self-made farmer