In collaboration with Weleda, one of SEKEM’s reliable partners from Europe, a new solar power system has been recently established on SEKEM’s farm in Wahat El Bahariya. Weleda supported SEKEM financially in implementing this module for providing the housing on the farm with green energy.
With photovoltaic panels, connected to a solar inverter and a battery, the new system now generates electricity for the farmhouses instead of using diesel power. On the same land in the Western Egyptian desert, there are already three solar water pumps running to irrigate a total area of around 90 feddans (approx. 38 hectares).

Weleda is one of the largest natural cosmetics and herbal medicine producers in Europe based in Switzerland. A deep-rooted relationship has been connecting the company and SEKEM for many years; Helmy Abouleish made, for instance, an internship at Weleda when he was very young, before taking the position of SEKEM’s CEO at the age of 23.
SEKEM is now heading towards 100% renewable energy by 2050 and is glad to have Weleda contributing to this vision.
Sustainability from the Sun: A New Solar Pump and Capacity Building by SEKEM Energy
The Power of the Sun – New Solarpump in El Wahat El Bahareya
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy for All