In February and March, SEKEM‘s CEO Helmy Abouleish traveled again to Austria, Germany and the Netherlands and talked about various topics that the SEKEM Initiative is committed to.
Shortly after the Biofach, February 19, he went to Graz. Invited by the Austrian SEKEM Friends, who held their general assembly on that day, Helmy Abouleish spoke at the Regional Center of Expertise of the University of Graz about climate change. He especially referred to the connection to agriculture and concluded that climate change can only be tackled sustainably by a holistic commitment.

Less than a month later, Helmy Abouleish attended the conference “bildungsART 2018” in Stuttgart. Around 300 young people were here dealing with questions on human dignity. In this context, SEKEM’s CEO shared the efforts of the SEKEM Initiative to always place human development in the focus of all its activities. The SEKEM Friends Germany made the contact with the “bildungsART” initiative that is organized by the Anthroposophic University Network CampusA. With an information stand, they presented the activities of the SEKEM Friends Association Germany and invited to the annual SEKEM Day, which will take place in Stuttgart on April 21.

Abouleish then accepted an invitation from the Dutch Oikocredit Support Group. The cooperative has been a shareholder of SEKEM since 2011 and is committed to promoting development through microcredits to disadvantaged people worldwide. At an evening event in Utrecht, Helmy Abouleish presented the success story of SEKEM. This talk had also been initiated through the efforts of dedicated SEKEM friends. The Dutch SEKEM Friends Association facilitated the event and presented itself with information material and the recently translated edition of Ibrahim Abouleish‘s autobiography “The SEKEM Symphony”.

“It is always a great pleasure to meet all our dear friends in Europe and to witness their great commitment and support towards SEKEM for many years,” says Helmy Abouleish at the end of his journey.
You can find more information on the activities of the SEKEM Friends Associations in Europe on their websites:
SEKEM Friends Germany
SEKEM Friends Netherlands
SEKEM Friends Austria