We present: Training Academy with new courses

What are Core Program & Training Academy?

It all began with the so-called „Core Program“ of Heliopolis University, a compulsory part of all students’ curricula. It was created to develop the capacity for innovation, creativity and social responsibility of students and academic staff. Multifaceted, practical and interactive oriented courses as Languages, Arts, Eurythmy and Sustainability give them a possibility to explore and unfold their potential. 

In 2022 it was decided to create a program entitled “Training Academy”, designed specifically for all SEKEM employees. It is led by Professor Omar Ramzy (Director of the Training Academy) and Menna Abd Elhamid (Program Coordinator) and offers an extended curriculum with a focus on the 16 SEKEM Vision Goals in order to expand knowledge, improve skills and open minds. As one of SEKEM‘s main principles is that everyone should have the opportunity and the time to unfold his or her potential, the courses are part of the working hours.

The new Courses

First of all, the Training Academy transfers a general understanding of sustainability to the new employees. Furthermore, deeper knowledge about SEKEM’s four pillars of Sustainable Development and the Vision Goals is imparted to the ones who have already been working for SEKEM for a longer time. The various topics encourage interaction and discussions amongst participants. As many employees are also interested in learning advanced levels of English, German or Arabic, language courses are offered for Egyptian and foreign employees. Trainers are invited from other Egyptian universities and abroad to provide an interesting exchange. 

Happiness at Work

Employees are welcome to propose topics for courses. For example, the range of art classes was broadened and now includes speech, acting and poetry, music and eurythmy, allowing employees to express their emotions through art activities. 

„One of the first things employees asked for was a football tournament between the SEKEM companies”, tells Menna. “We organized it at the end of 2022 and received very enthusiastic feedback from the community.” 

This way, the Training Academy works towards a true state of „Happiness at Work“.

Future Plans

Currently the team is evaluating feedback and welcomes new ideas to engage more employees in participating. Subsequently, the Training Academy plans to expand and offer the courses outside of the SEKEM community, starting under the roof of the „13 Villages“ project.

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