Students from El Minia in SEKEM

Visitors from Upper Egypt in SEKEM

Students from El Minia in SEKEM
Students from El Minia in SEKEM

In summer 2016, two groups of about 40 students from the Upper Egyptian town El Minia visited the SEKEM Farm. The stay is part of their studies as leaders in social work with youth. During the four-day visit they got insights to the different SEKEM institutions located on the farm, went to Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development and received lessons by SEKEM teachers. To strengthen the connection between people and nature, the young attendees worked in the garden of SEKEM School each day for three hours.

SEKEM wants to foster the connection between Muslims and Christians. Therefore, SEKEM Initiative is cooperating since twelve years with the Christian association in El Minia that is training the students. Since that, every two years a group of students from El Minia is visiting SEKEM.


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