TEC-MED Project
Development of a Transcultural social-ethical-care model for dependent population in Mediterra basin
About the project
Mediterranean countries are showing common trends in terms of social support decrease and the need for innovative and sustainable socio-ethical-care models. These issues have an impact on many categories of vulnerable people, such as dependent elderly having chronic diseases and lacking family network support, with the consequence of being further marginalized. TEC-MED will develop an innovative and cost-effective socio-ethical care intervention framework which will improve and adapt social care policies tackling the phenomenon of the ageing population. A new organizational model will be designed to support cooperation and partnership between public institutions and social care actors. Six pilot actions will be implemented in the participating countries to test and validate the model by involving social enterprises, citizens and public administrations.
Acronym: TEC-MED
Full title: Development of a Transcultural social-ethical-care model for dependent population in Mediterra basin
Thematic objective: A.3 Promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty
Priority: A.3.2 Social and solidarity economy
Countries: Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt
What will be improved?
TEC-MED will contribute to reduce the marginalization of elderly people and improve the quality of social services provided to them. Through the development of a common model supported by software applications, the project can help to set a benchmark model for social assistance in the Mediterranean region. The project will also support cooperation among institutions for the set-up of laboratories of “ideas” for designing innovative social services.
Who will benefit?
Dependent elderly people having chronic diseases and lacking family network support
Social care operators and NGOs providing assistance to the elderly population
Public social services
Expected achievements
28,200 people covered by improved social services
12 agreements between public administrations and relevant stakeholders for coordinated planning and implementation of social services
90 social care professionals involved in social pilot schemes
6 action plans for public administrations
1 online platform for cooperation and partnership between public institutions and social care actors
9 Partners
6 Countries
5 Technical outputs
Start date: 26 September 2019
End date: 25 September 2022