“Rudolf Steiner was one of the first people in modern era to recognize explicitly the principles of interconnectedness in relation to farming and to describe the links between the fertility of the soil and the health of plants, animals and people”, said SEKEM supporter Prince Charles recently on the occasion of an Agriculture Conference at the Goetheanum in the Swiss Dornach. Over 750 people from 36 countries took part in the international conference on soil fertility. The meeting was organized by the Section for Agriculture of the Goetheanum from 1st to 4th of February 2017 and offered a forum to discuss the connection between soil quality, climate and food security.
On this occasion, the long-time SEKEM supporter Prince Charles sent a video message to the participants. In this message the Prince of Wales emphasized that Steiner’s approach had not lost any of its actuality and that many problems could have been avoided if people had taken advantage of Steiner’s thoughts.
Charles was convinced that a holistic approach to agriculture is necessary, but that “the prevailing economic system fails to put a price on the benefits of such approaches.” The Prince of the United Kingdom was optimistic that nature would recover from the methods of conventional agriculture if a fundamental change took place.
SEKEM has already committed itself to the holistic approach mentioned by the Prince for 40 years and thus plays a pioneering role. Through the introduction of Biodynamic farming methods, Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish and his supporters succeeded in making desert soil fertile in Egypt. Thereby, he and his team demonstrated that biodynamic agriculture is the best answer for solving problems, such as soil fertility or food security, in a sustainable way.
Sherif Abou El Naga
Read more how SEKEM teaches its' contracted Farmers new methods of biodynamic Agriculture
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The Egyptian Bio-Dynamic Association (EBDA)