SEKEM Agriculture | 100% Organic | Soil & Plants | Air & Water | Animals | Energy

A Little-Big Miracle – Each and Every Day

All major religions share the idea that man is appointed as a steward on earth who has to sustain and develop it. In accordance with this approach, our governing principle is not only to reduce our ‘ecological footprint’, but to spread life and to contribute towards a better and healthier condition of the land and the people that we work with. This is the only way to create and sustain conditions for a planet with more than seven billion people. We thus commit ourselves to sustaining and further developing all ecological spheres.

Through Biodynamic agricultural principles, quality standards and efficiency improvements, the application of new technologies and education of all our stakeholders, we wish to achieve “eco-literacy”. This means keeping the environment in balance and taking the scarcity of all resources into consideration. To assure that our environmental management system works effectively, we have aligned it with the ISO 14001 standard. The responsibilities related to incorporate environment protection (e.g. water, energy, waste) are organized centrally under the General Compliance Manager.

Read about SEKEM’s agricultural companies

Giving Back to Nature

Based on a Biodynamic approach of cultivation, we constantly monitor our impact on soils, plants, animals, energy, air and water. Our existence and success are closely linked to the quality of these natural resources. We do not only take from nature but also strive to give back.

How does SEKEM measure its impact?

100% Organic in Egypt

Global warming affects harvesting patterns due to gradual shifts in hot and cold periods. This can lead to higher costs of raw materials and, eventually, changes in the production cycle. Higher temperatures will lead to increased costs for air conditioning to protect products during their growth, processing and transport. The changing climate will definitely influence consumption patterns towards more sustainable and resource-saving product portfolios, which SEKEM is already offering nowadays. The published study “The Future of Agriculture in Egypt” deals with the question of whether conventional or Organic farming is more expensive in Egypt. The objective of the research was to draw a comprehensive cost comparison between conventional and Organic agriculture methods that also consider the impacts on the environment, for which the country sooner or later has to pay.

100% Organic in Egypt – Read the study

Environmental Friendly Production

SEKEM, as a Biodynamic agriculture company, has inherently reduced CO2 emissions and water consumption compared to conventional producers. Environmental friendly production will provide great competitive advantages in the future when governments implement stricter environmental regulations on companies. Therefore, the subsequent risk of negative impacts of new regulations is currently low for SEKEM.

Read about SEKEM’s soils

Read SEKEM News in Regards to Ecology