SEKEM Veranstaltungen im Überblick
Di.13Feb.201820:00Rudolf Steiner Haus Nürnberg
Modern Human and Organisational Development in Business, Schools and University
SEKEMs CEO Helmy Abouleish is a guest at Rudolf Steiner Haus Nürnberg and holds a speech entitled: "Modern human and organisational development in Business, Schools and University".
Mi.14Feb.2018Sa.17Feb.2018Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
BioFach Fair
SEKEM presents itself and its products on the leading trade fair of the organic industry.
Mo.19Feb.201819:00University of Graz
Climate Change
SEKEMs CEO Helmy Abouleish is a guest at the University of Graz and holds a speech on mitigating the climate change.
Mi.28Feb.2018CampusA in Stuttgart, Event BildungART18
Focus on Human Development
SEKEM's CEO Helmy Abouleish is a guest at CampusA in Stuttgart and holds a speech entitled: "Focus on Human Development".
Mo.12März201813:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
BEIT EL HEKMA: The Star of Bagdad – Nazik al-Malai’ka
Space of Culture Presents
BEIT EL HEKMA – Heliopolis University Productions
The Star of Bagdad – Nazik al-Malai’ka –
The Pioneer of Modern Arabic Lyrics
A Dedication to one of our greatest poets in the Arab world
A Poetry Salon
“What I have written will revolutionize the poetry of the entire Arab world“ (Nazik al-Malai’ka)
The story is telling her life and the very special moment in 1947 when Nazik al-Malai’ka (1923-2007) had a kind of a spiritual experience, which was the birth of the free verse that was later called “Modern Arabic Poetry”.
Mi.21März201813:00Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
A Magical Balance on the Rope “Le Fil Rouge”
As we listen to her fairy tales, Masha Dimitri will perform one of the most fascinating and even
breakneck acrobatic shows “Le Fil Rouge” (The Red Rope). The Swiss artist will capture our hearts by her magical balance on the loose wire and inspire us that we can always keep a balanced and therefore a creative life.
Do.22März201813:30SEKEM Farm
SEKEMs Spring Festival
SEKEM celebrates Spring with its friends, partners, and all its community members.
Mo.26März201813:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
BEIT EL HEKMA- Michael Nueima
In commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of Mikha’il Na’ima’s Passing:
A Poetry Salon
Mikha’il Na’ima (1889-1988 Lebanon) was a poet, novelist, and philosopher. He is also called a spiritual writer because of his remarkable writings about death. He had a unique humanitarian approach. Na’ima is considered as one of the most influential figures in the modern Arabic literature. He wrote 99 books including drama, essays, poetry, criticism, short stories, and biographies. Among his best known books is the “Book of Mirdad“, a mystical text first published in Lebanon in 1948. Besides, he co-founded, along with Khalil Gibran and others, the New York literary society known as the Pen League.
“In this poetry salon, we chose poems that tackle various topics such as earth, language, silence, imagination, life, ego, death, and justice. We will end by highlighting the importance of spiritual love in our life,” said Hamada Shousha, the event Director.
Mo.23Apr.201813:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
BEIT EL HEKMA – Gibran Khalil Gibran
Space of Culture presents
BEIT EL HEKMA – Heliopolis University Productions
Gibran Khalil Gibran
Poetry Salon
As a young man, Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883 Lebanon–1931 New York) emigrated with his family to the United States, where he studied art and began his literary career, writing in both English and Arabic. In the Arab world, Gibran is regarded as a literary and political rebel. His romantic style was at the heart of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, especially prose poetry, breaking away from the classical school. In Lebanon, he is still celebrated as a literary hero.
Chiefly known was his 1923 book “The Prophet”, an early example of inspirational fiction including a series of philosophical essays written in poetic English prose.
Di.24Apr.201811:00 - 14:00Heliopolis University Campus:
World Solutions for Land, Soils and Food in Africa
In cooperation with SEKEM Initiative, Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development and the World Future Council will hold a conference entitled “Solutions for Land, Soils and Food in Africa” at the university campus. The conference will shed light on the world champions in combatting desertification and enhancing food security and sustainable land management in Africa.The event will bring together international high-level representatives and experts; among them:• Dr. Mohamed Abdel Aty, the Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation and Vice President of the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW)• Dr. Auma Obama, World Future Councilor and Founder and Director of the Sauti Kuu Foundation• Monique Barbut, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)• Sebastian Lesch, First Counselor and the Head of German Development Cooperation with Egypt since 2014• Hani Sewilam, Academic Director of Hydrology Department at RWTH Aachen University, Germany and Director of the UNESCO Chair in Hydrological Changes and Water Resources Management at the same university• Hans Herren, President of Millennium Institute and Recipient of the Right Livelihood Award for leading a major biological pest management campaign in Africa• Lothar Fickert, Professor Emeritus at Graz University of Technology• Abdelkarim Sma, Lead Regional Economist and Officer in Charge for the Near East, North Africa and Europe division at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)• Helmy Abouleish, Heliopolis University Chairman of the Board of Trustees, CEO of SEKEM Initiative, and recently recognized as UN Champion for Facing Climate Change. SEKEM received the Right Livelihood Award in 2003 for integrating the commercial success with promotion of the social and cultural development of society and the UNCCD Land for Life Award in 2015• Alexandra Wandel, Director of the World Future Council Foundation which convened the Future Policy Award 2017 for combating desertification.This event aims to raise awareness about exemplary policies and initiatives that are engaged to support sustainable development of lands, soils, and food production in Africa and create synergies between policymakers of international organizations (for instance the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, International Fund for Agricultural Development or the World Future Council) and national stakeholders (ministries, members of parliament, civil society, academia, and media). Thereby, it shall contribute to the protection of life and livelihoods in drylands and help achieve Sustainable Development Goal 15 “Life on Land”. -
Mo.25Juni2018Sa.07Juli2018Heliopolis University Campus
Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for a Sustainable Future
Application deadline extended to June 10, 2018
The Centre for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU), Sekem Development Foundation (SDF) and Heliopolis University (HU) are organizing an intercultural and international summer school to foster cultural understanding and international friendship, thus promoting peace and sustainable development.
Lecturers will include a Member of the European Parliament, senior Dutch and Egyptian lecturers. Excursions will include visits to locations in Egypt where intercultural dialogue is practiced. The summer school will be completed with a certificate of participation.
If you are an open-minded student or young person interested to engage in interreligious and international exchange, you can apply until June 10, 2018 to the CAWU or HU (link to the application form see below). In the application, please state your motivation and why you think you are suited to participate. A short CV can be helpful to demonstrate this.
The Summer-School itself, and accommodation at the Heliopolis Student Hostel is sponsored by SGP. However, we ask for a small contribution towards these costs. Furthermore, you have to pay for travel to and from Cairo, the cost for visa and insurance as well as entrance fees for museums and sites (like the Pyramids). The contribution for the summer school is of LE 500 for students enrolled in an Egyptian university (and residents of any transition state) and € 100 for students enrolled in a university outside Egypt, and/or resident in Europe, North America, Asia or any other part of the world. If you can’t afford these fees you can explain this in the application and ask for a scholarship (see application form).
For further information, please contact us: [email protected]
Registration under:
Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]
Sponsored by
The preliminary programme includes:
Event Speakers: Jun 25. Mo - Arrival - Transfer from Airport to HU - Student hostel Jun 26. Tu HU . Introductory session History of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt
Discussion groups – participants writing articles
Kees Hulsman Kees Hulsman
Jun 27. We HU Euro-Parliamentarian Bas Belder Discussion groups – participants writing articles
Bas Belder,
Kees HulsmanJun 28. Th DT Excursion Sekem – Tour Jun 29. Fr DT Pyramids and Egyptian Museum Jun 30. Sa DT Salam Medical Center, Qanater Dr. Freddy Bayadi Dr. George Messiha
Jul 1. Su DT Church service All Saints Cathedral in Zamalek followed by an explanation about the Sudanese refugee program of the church Open to all interested Jul 2. Mo HU Arab-West Report database building, exercise with the Interview Documentation Project (each participant needs a pc) Matthew Sparks Kees Hulsman
Jul 3. Tu HU Contrasting Arabic and European music. Egyptian
Provided by HU Ahmed Ghobashy
Jul 4. We HU Still to be fixed Mette Toft Nielsen Ahmed Ghobashy
Jul 5. Th HU Workshop Freedom of Expression and Respecting Religious sensitivities Johan Snel, Dr. Matthew Anderson, Ambassador Mona Omar Jul 6. Fr HU Workshop The Egyptian Constitution of 2014 as a model for democratization in the Arab World; comparison with Europe Johan Snel, Prof. Dr. Hoda Awad Jul 7. Sa Departure - Transfer to the airport DT – Day Tour
Meetings will be chaired by Drs. Cornelis (Kees) Hulsman, director Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) and editor-in-chief of Arab-West Report. Hulsman first arrived in Egypt in 1976 and is responsible for the internship program of the Center for Arab-West Understanding in Egypt.
General information, including terms and conditions for an application
The Intercultural Summer School aims to promote international dialogue and understanding. Furthermore, it promotes dialogue and writing skills and trains participants to publish small pieces of work. It is organized by the Centre for Arab West Understanding, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt ( the Sekem Development Foundation ( and Heliopolis University ( It is financially supported by SGP ( but participants are expected to contribute with a small to demonstrate their commitment. Final confirmation of the place is dependent on receipt of this contribution.
Attendees are awarded a certificate of participation, but accreditation in other study programmes is not foreseen. The summer school does, however, provide the opportunity to get to know CAWU’s Internship Programme, as well as HU and Sekem.
Accommodation and basic breakfast will be provided by the summer school at the Heliopolis University student hostel if applied for. Student accommodation is segregated by gender, with only male and only female flats. However, in any given building there might be more than one type of flat, as well as flats with families. By accepting the offered accommodation, the above has been explicitly acknowledged.
Lunch and refreshments are generally provided, except during excursions. The travel to and from Cairo, any visa fees, and insurances, as well as entrance fees to touristic sites, have to be borne by the participant.
Texts written during the summer school will, after editing and consultation of the participants, be placed in the database of Arab-West Report. Neither the organizers nor the SGP are responsible for the views put forward by any participant or referent. However, the organizers maintain the right to exclude anybody from the summer school, who promotes hate, violence or views deemed grossly offensive, as well as anybody who engages in hate speech or unacceptable or unlawful behavior and no compensation or refund, will be paid. Similarly, the summer school does not promote any particular political view and will not condone political campaigning.
The submission of an application and any confirmation of receipt of such a submission does not constitute acceptance in any way. Chosen applicants will be contacted individually and have to confirm their participation within the timeframe stated in the acceptance letter. The decision of the organizers is final. By applying to the Intercultural Summer School, the applicant specifically agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.
Mi.10Okt.201810:00 am - 3:00 pmHeliopolis University Campus:
PV Applications in Egypt: Strategies to Meet the Challenges of the Future
In cooperation with the Austrian Development Agency and SEKEM Energy Sustainable Solutions, Heliopolis University is pleased to host the international conference "PV Applications in Egypt: Strategies to Meet the Challenges of the Future.”
International experts and researchers will participate in the conference to share interesting experiences and developments in Photovoltaic (PV) projects in Egypt. They will also discuss the potential role of photovoltaic in Egypt and future challenges and chances.
Since the Photovoltaic sector in Egypt faced a turbulent time in the previous years, participants will discuss innovative strategies for the photovoltaic market in Egypt with an expert delegation from Egypt and Austria.
The conference preliminary program is as follows:
09:30 - 10:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
10:00 - 10:15 Welcome and opening remarks
10:15 - 12:00 Session 1: "Past and previous PV projects in Egypt, Experience
gained for the future"
12:00 - 12:45 Coffee and Snacks; Networking break
12:45 - 14:30 Session 2, "General framework and policies for PV Projects in
Egypt, Strategies for the future"
14:30 Buffet and NetworkingThe conference is open for public. For registration, please contact Michael Puttinger or Naglaa Ahmed.
Do.01Nov.201801:30 pm - 04:00 pmSEKEM Farm
41st Anniversary Celebration of SEKEM Initiative - Spring Festival 2018
So.25Nov.2018Do.29Nov.2018SEKEM Farm
SEKEMSophia Symposium - The Miracle in The Desert
“I carry a vision deep within myself: in the midst of sand and desert, I see myself standing at a well drawing water. Carefully I plant trees, herbs and flowers and wet their roots with the precious drops. The cool well water attracts humans and animals to refresh and quicken themselves. Trees give shade, the land turns green, fragrant flowers bloom, insects, birds and butterflies show their devotion to Allah, the creator, as if they were reciting the first Sura of the Koran. The humans, perceiving the hidden praise of Allah, care for and see all that is created as a reflection of paradise on earth,” Ibrahim Abouleish (1937 – 2017).
How did the vision of the SEKEM founder Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish become reality? How is this social innovation working and how does it affect people’s lives? How can an efficient economy, a healthy social life and a living culture develop together? How can partnership between east and west build peace and prosperity?
To give you the opportunity to explore a sustainable community in the Egyptian desert, SEKEM offers a five-day hands-on experience, taking place at the SEKEM farm in Egypt. During this symposium, you will meet experts working in different fields in SEKEM to give you deep insights into the vision and how SEKEM’s holistic approach is implemented in its daily working and community life. The program combines both theory and practice and will give you the opportunity to get familiar with all the dimensions of SEKEM’s approach for sustainable development.
For registration:
To get further information check out our flyer: SEKEM Symposium Nov 2018
If you have any questions, please get in touch with [email protected]
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