SEKEM Veranstaltungen im Überblick
Mo.13Feb.201720:00Kulturbahnhof Ottensoos
40 Years of Change, Development and Progress in SEKEM, Egypt and the World
SEKEM's CEO Helmy Abouleish is a guest at the Kulturbahnhof Ottensoos and holds a lecture entitled:
"40 Years of Change, Development and Progress in SEKEM, Egypt and the World" -
Di.14Feb.201720:00Rudolf Steiner House, Nuremberg
40 Years of Change, Development and Progress in SEKEM, Egypt and the World
SEKEM's CEO Helmy Abouleish is a guest at the Antroposophic Society and holds a speech entitled:
"40 Years of Change, Development and Progress in SEKEM, Egypt and the World" -
Mi.15Feb.2017Sa.18Feb.2017Fairground Nuremberg
SEKEM presents itself and its products on the leading trade fair of the organic industry. The SEKEM booth can be found in Hall 7 Number 311.
Di.07März201720:00Talhof-Café »Walden«, Heidenheim
40 Years of Change, Development and Progress in SEKEM, Egypt and the World
SEKEM's CEO Helmy Abouleish is a guest at Café Walden, Heidenheim and helds a lecture entitled:
"40 Years of Change, Development and Progress in SEKEM, Egypt and the World" -
Mi.22März201717:00Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, Cairo, Egypt
Birthday Celebration for Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish
The Heliopolis University celebrates the birthday of SEKEM Founder Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish with an enriched program and high-ranking guests.
Do.23März201713:00Theatre, SEKEM Farm
SEKEM Spring Festival
SEKEM celebrates the birthday of its founder Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish with an enriched program.
Do.30März2017So.02Apr.2017Bregenz, Austria
World Future Council Annual Meeting
SEKEM's CEO Helmy Abouleish represents SEKEM at the annual meeting of the World Future Council
Mi.12Apr.2017So.16Apr.2017Hunter Valley, Australia
"Life and Living" Conference
The Antroposophic Society in Australia hosts a Conference, which is enriched by Workshops and a Festival. SEKEM's CEO Helmy Abouleish takes part and represents SEKEM.
So.30Apr.2017Mi.03Mai2017Durban, South Africa
Solutions Summit 2017: Scaling What Works
The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship hosts an annual summit for the entire community of Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneurs
Mi.03Mai2017Fr.05Mai2017Durban, South Africa
World Economic Forum on Africa 2017
Do.04Mai201713:00University of Graz, Austria
10 Jahre RCE Graz-Styria: Miteinander forschen und voneinander lernen!
10 Years Regeional Center of Expertise (RCE) Graz-Styria: Researching and learning together! We celebrate our 10th anniversary for a sustainable future!
SEKEMs Chief Relations Officer, Thomas Abouleish participates representing SEKEM and its model for sustainable development.
Sa.06Mai201711:00Kleiner Kursaal, Bad Cannstatt, Stuttgart
The SEKEM Friends Germany Association holds its annual public general meeting. The meeting is enriched by workshops and performances.
Mi.23Aug.201717:00Turmsaal, Kloster Frankenberg, Goslar, Germany
SEKEM Initiative – Beacon of Hope for Egypt and the World
P. L. Menzel and Dr. C. Menzel will speak today in the Turmsaal of the Kloster Frankberg in Germany about the SEKEM Initiative and its impact on Egypt and the world. They will be acoompanied by two students of the Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, Cairo, Egypt, who are currently interns at the research center for energy in Goslar.
Sa.09Sep.2017So.10Sep.201710:00Rapunzel Naturkost Rapunzelstraße 1, 87764 Legau
Rapunzel Eine Welt Festival 2017
Mo.25Sep.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Egyptian Project Band
Creating a sound that you will have rarely heard before, French/English collaborative music collective, Egyptian Project, deliver crazy trip-hop beats, infused with folkloric sounds from across Egypt for a unique take on fusion music. It’s like the Egyptian poetry flying over a heavy psychedelic dub bass with a rock flavor.
SEKEM Symphony - Launching Event
Celebrating the translation of the new biography of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish "SEKEM Symphony" into Dutch, initiated by the SEKEM Friends Association, Netherlands.
Among others, Helmy Abouleish, CEO of SEKEM, will give a speech during the festivities. -
Fr.29Sep.2017So.01Okt.2017Widar Schule Höntroper Straße 95 44869 Bochum
Initiative Menschlichkeit Begegnungsfest
Sa.30Sep.201720:00Kaltenkirchen, Germany
Visionär Deiner Zeit - Denke nach! Denke frei! Denke um!
Helmy Abouleish will give a speech with the title: "Visionär Deiner Zeit - Denke nach! Denke frei! Denke um!" at the Bundesschülerratstagung, Waldorf SV, in Kaltenkirchen, Germany
Mo.02Okt.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Lina Osama
Lina Osama is a visual artist born in Cairo in 1986, the founder of Humans as Living Units of Humanity as well. She paints mostly using mixed media, and has experimented in filmmaking, video art, animation, graphic prints, illustration, painting installations and artistic fieldwork. Lina has participated in more than 40 exhibitions in Egypt, Austria, France and Morocco, and she holds a Bachelor’s degree in painting from Cairo University’s Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo in 2009. In 2007, she won the Mohamed Mounir award at the Ministry of Culture’s Youth Salon Competition.
Mo.09Okt.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Oriental Nights
Graduation Celebration
Mi.11Okt.201719:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Nayer Nagui
Maestro Nayer Nagui Joined the Alexandria Conservatoire, where he studied Piano under the Italian Prof. Herta Pappo. Furthered his Musical studies in Cairo, where he obtained the advanced certificate of the Royal Schools of Music, London, in Piano performing and Theory of Music, 1996. Nagui is the Founder and the Musical Director of the “Cairo Celebration Choir”, a Choir of 120 members performing famous Chorus works and Oratorios. Musical Director of Disney is dubbing animation in Arabic language. Former Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of Cairo Opera Orchestra.
Mo.16Okt.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Heliopolis Entrepreneurship Center - Estedama
Mo.23Okt.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Mostafa Hegazy - Seminar
Dr.Higazy is an Egyptian humanist, strategic thinker and institutional sustainable development authority. His magnum opus, Termini Context Thinking ‘TCT’ (2002), dubbed Humanistic ‘Terminalism' is considered one of the founding schools of sociopolitical/ socioeconomic philosophy of the wisdom age of humanity, yet to emerge. In the political economy realm, Dr. Higazy, brings to bear 25 years of comprehensive experience in Strategic Advisory, Governance Advocacy, Investment Management, Organizational Psychology, Institutional Sustainable Development, and Strategic philanthropy; all encompassed in the Industry of thinking domain. His professional experience is complemented through an extended academic profile that encompasses the technical aspects of development. Dr. Higazy is the founder of ACME Corp Global (a Strategic Advisory and Investment Management Corporation), NASAQ Foundation for Humanistic Thinking and SQUARE Institute for Strategic Thinking, both Advocacy Think Tanks.
ACME Corp was founded as the socioeconomic arm of practice through which sustainable developmental models pillared upon NASAQ philosophical and Strategic models are enlivened.
Mi.25Okt.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Amer El Touny
Amer El Touni started to collect ancient Egyptian classic folkloric songs and has made a name for himself in reviving the heritage of our land, performing all over the world.
Mi.01Nov.201713:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
SEKEM Symphony - From Desert to a Living Organism
Do.02Nov.201714:00SEKEM Amphitheater, SEKEM Farm
40 Years Sustainable Development – SEKEM Anniversary
SEKEM is celebrating 40 years of sustainable development together with its huge community, co-workers, farmers, partners, supporters and friends.
Mo.06Nov.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Manal Abdelraouf - LOYAC
Fr.10Nov.201716:4519th Organic World Congress - New Delhi, India
A Plea for Socio-Ecological Sustainability in Globalized Value Chains
Thomas Abouleish is representing SEKEM in the panel with the title "A Plea for Socio-Ecological Sustainability in Globalized Value Chains" at the 19th Organic World Congress in New Delhi, India.
The market’s current push toward higher levels of social equity in organic value chains will be discussed. Both associations will share their experiences with concepts such as fair trade, the promotion of social responsibility towards employees in organic production and the effort to guarantee these values through certification and communicate them through labelling or product branding.
Sa.11Nov.201713:4519th Organic World Congress - New Delhi, India
How to make Organic 3.0 Reality
Thomas Abouleish represents SEKEM on the panel discussion "How to make Organic 3.0 Reality" at the 19th Organic World Congress, New Delhi, India and will discuss the topic together with Frank Eyhorn, David Amudavi, Claude Alvares, Hans Herren, Caterina Batello and Marcus Arbenz.
Mo.13Nov.201716:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Gerlinde Wendland - Art Exhibition
“My art should not limit the thoughts of the viewers, but give them the freedom to develop into all directions,” says Gerlinde Wendland, the creator of many of SEKEMs artworks. The artist has been regularly visiting SEKEM since about 25 years and creates artworks oriented towards classical modernism.
Mo.20Nov.201713:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Musicario - Trio
They are a community of academic, professional and elegant musicians. Whether they are performing for a concert, official event, their aim in life is to perform music the way it was written with passion. It was based in 2016 and it performed every week in Ritz Carlton in Cairo. Members: Mahmoud Zakrya (viola), Karim Adnan (bass), & Sherif Moustafa (piano).
Mi.22Nov.201719:00Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Awtar Quatret
Awtar Quartet was formed in 2012 by Khaled Saleh & Yasser Ghoneim on violin, Essam Abdelhamid on viola, and Mohamed Abdelfattah on cello. In addition to their principal vocation, classical music, the quartet also weaves in other genres such as jazz, tango, Latin works, folk and Arabic music. To highlight the variety of their repertoire, they often also invite other musicians to join them for select performances. In 2013, Awtar presented a series of concerts supported by the American Embassy at Sawy Culture Wheel, Amideast, Information Resource Center of the American embassy, and Banha University. These concerts represented various classical and contemporary American music, in addition to arrangements of movies soundtracks and musicals. In the end of 2013, Awtar gave its first performance at Cairo Opera House, where it performed jazz standards and classical music. It was received with success and a positive critique in the Ahram Weekly newspaper. Recently, They established Osiris String Orchestra for the amateurs in Cairo to train and present the amateurs to the public in Egypt.
Fr.24Nov.201719:30Légère Hotel, 11 Rue Gabriel Lippmann, Munsbach, Luxemburg
Solidarisches Wirtschaften – Impulse aus der Wüste
Helmy Abouleish wird in seinem Vortrag über die SEKEM-Initiative in Ägypten berichten, die in vielfältigster Weise kooperativ und assoziativ mit Partnern im In- und Auslandzusammen arbeitet.Bitte beachten Sie folgenden Hinweis:Wenn Sie Interesse haben diesem Vortrag beizuwohnen, werden Sie aus organisatorischen Gründen gebeten, sich verbindlich unter jutta.mertes[at] anzumelden. -
Do.07Dez.201719:00Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Eskendrella Band
Was formed in 2000 by Hazem Shahine with the aim of reviving the songs of Sheikh Imam and Sayed Darwish. In 2005, after a two-year hiatus, the band announced its return with new members in the line-up. The band found its identity in the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Their songs are inspired by the poets Fouad Haddad and Salah Jahin, as well as the son and grandson of Fouad Haddad, Amin and Ahmad Haddad. Amin and his son write about the changes taking place in contemporary Egypt. The band members include the children and grandchildren of these two poets.
Mo.11Dez.201713:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Beit El Hekma - Shakespeare meets Scheherazade
"Shakespeare (1564-1616) meets Scheherazade" or "The night I met Shakespeare". It is a play that explores the art of play-writing as opposed to the art of storytelling. Two literature icons meet and explore each other’s work. A journey that takes us from Shahriar to Macbeth to the One Thousand and One stories to our world today.Cast (in order of appearance):
Dorothea Walter
Hamada Shousha Heba Abdel Razek
Nourhan Said, Aya Essam, Walaa Ahmed
Tamer El Gazar
Emad El Raheb
Written and directed by Effat Yehia
Music played by Emad El Raheb
Stage Manager: Irienie Ashraf
Lights by Mohamed Abdel Mohsen
Special Thanks to Martina Dinkel -
Mo.25Dez.201713:30Space of Cultures, Heliopolis University
Heliopolis University Students - Final Arts Performance
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