Spray and Pray: Für Vitalität und Verbundenheit

Especially in these extremely challenging times with which the world is currently facing, we would like to continue to spread good news and report on our different activities. Like so many, SEKEM is facing a number of difficulties due to the current situation, and yet we are convinced that if we continue to carry out our diverse activities as normally as possible – as long as that continues, it will help to overcome these challenges and ensure future-proof development Well-being of all parties involved can be ensured.

Enjoy reading our good news!

At the end of January a very special event took place in SEKEM, which wonderfully showed how an intercultural community interacts. The image of Egyptian peasants praying while bio-dynamic preparations are being prepared next to them, followed by a common “hallelujah” through eurythmy movements, while a comparable action is being carried out in many other places in the world, created a unique atmosphere.

The idea for the joint campaign came from the Japanese farmer Tomoko Kurokawa, who called on all biodynamic farmers around the world to come together at 2:45 p.m. on January 22nd to jointly produce and spray out the cow horn manure preparation. In biodynamic agriculture, nine different preparations are used to support the fertility of compost, soil and plants. The preparations have to be manufactured and deployed at certain times in order to be able to include cosmic forces in the process.

Da das islamische Mittagsgebet ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit stattfand, wie die internationale Zeremonie, beteten einige Bauern und Gemeindemitglieder, während andere sich um die Herstellung des Präparates kümmerten. Nach dem islamischen Gebet kamen alle zusammen, um ein „Halleluja“ anhand von Eurythmie-Bewegungen darzustellen. Es entstand der Eindruck, dass die vereinten Kräfte der SEKEM-Mitglieder und all der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, die zeitgleich eine ähnliche Zeremonie entsprechend ihrer Kultur durchführten, in das Präparat einfließen konnten und so auch den Felder zugutekam. Es wurde eine wunderbare Wechselwirkung zwischen Natur, Menschen und kosmischen Kräften geschaffen, die den Pflanzen und der Erde helfen kann, sich mit verstärkten Kräften und besonderer Lebendigkeit zu entwickeln.

Christine Arlt

100% sustainable agriculture in Egypt: SEKEM children are beginning to implement their vision of the future