Dear Friends,

We want to celebrate and take action with you: The SEKEM vision has been alive in Egypt for over 45 years now; SEKEM friends in many countries support this vision in their local environment with great commitment and the implementation of the SEKEM Future Vision 2057 is in full swing. Let's use this great potential from the past and proactively shape the future together so that it fills us with anticipation!

When: 14th - 16th of June 2024

Where: Youth Hostel Oberbernhards

With the SEKEM community from Egypt and many friends from all over the world!
It‘s in our hands: We human beings have all possibilities and with it the responsibility of shaping our earth in a way that makes it worth living for all! Let us seize this opportunity with joy and shape our stewardship together.

We invite you to gain insight into our sustainable economic practices and discover how an „Economy of Love“ lives and develops.

You can expect a colorful cultural program that may lead to a concert, exhibition or performance.

Let‘s discover the transformative power of biodynamic agriculture together. Our farmers will share their experiences with their services to our ecosystem.

Social transformation is taking place in 13 villages in Egypt - we want to share with you how social change can take place in your living environments.

We want to exchange ideas with you on these topics in keynote lectures, artistic and practical workshops, working groups, cultural program and more!


*Price for members of the SEKEM Friends Associations
Become a member: Deutschland | Österreich | Netherlands | Scandinavia

With reservation a deposit of 50% of the total price is due. If the deposit is not paid, the reservation will expire within 14 days.

We are happy about formats and impulses that come from you. If you would like to offer a contribution yourself, please contact us at: [email protected].

Shuttle service
Since the youth hostel Oberbernhards is located a bit far away from the next bigger train station (Fulda), there will be a shuttle service from there.

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SEKEM Head Office
3 Cairo Belbes Desert Road
P.O.Box 2834 El Horreya, Heliopolis
Cairo, Egypt

Tel.: 0020 2 265 88 124
Email: [email protected]